Jiwa Group is one of Indonesia’s fastest growing coffee and F&B companies, with a
diversified F&B offering across its three brands: Janji Jiwa, Jiwa Toast, and Jiwa Tea.

Case Studies

We offer high-touch support to add value throughout the entire engagement

Case Studies

We offer high-touch support to add value throughout the entire engagement​

Project Brew


Private Capital Raising


Completed, 2021

Project Background

Jiwa Group is one of Indonesia’s fastest growing coffee and F&B companies, with a diversified F&B offering across its three brands: Janji Jiwa, Jiwa Toast, and Jiwa Tea. The Group boasts a network of over 1,000 outlets throughout Indonesia, ~85% of which operate under the Group's franchise (Kemitraan) arrangement. In 2021 alone Jiwa Group sold over 40 million products.

Panasean was engaged by Jiwa Group to help raise equity capital to help fuel the Company’s regional expansion as well as IT infrastructure investments. Our involvement spanned from assisting Jiwa Group in crafting a compelling equity story, to facilitating investor introductions and selection, and preparing for the due diligence process. In 2021, we successfully assisted the company in securing capital from Capsquare Asia Partners and Openspace Ventures.


We helped identify and articulate a compelling growth story to attract the right Investors to this deal. Additionally, we developed a well-defined use of proceeds plan and made sure that the deal size was appropriately structured for a sufficient pool of potential investors.


We helped the Company to achieve the desired structure prior to the transaction including creating an investment vehicle for the Founders. In addition, we also recommended and assisted the Company in preparing their books to be audited.


We successfully harmonized the Company with investors Capsquare Asia Partners and Openspace Ventures in contributing to the operational and technological aspects of the business.

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